Artists of iOrnament

Each of them is special each of them has a unique and remarkable style: The persons using iOrnament. It is impossible to present all of them here, buth here is a litte personal collection of artists and creators that I came across over the years. Each of them used iOrnament in a very special way. Many of them have influenced the further development of iOrnament. I hope you enjoy their creations as much as I do.

Click the image or the name to see a gallery of their creations

Cheryl Whitehouse

Agnes Künnecke


Luca Valese

Rike Brakebusch

Ulli Haag

Will Norland

Farah Alhamawi

Amber Ansley

Jeff Sidlow

Shravani Rau

Prita Dhaimade

Jed Rhien

Miriam Martincic

Olga Tokar